Soooo, the party winds down (we closed the place)... and we all start to head home. My buddy Link has 4 ladies phone numbers from 2 seperate bachlorette parties. The dude can work a crowd. In a way I'm envious, in a way I'm happy with my insecurities. Everyone's different.
Iris can barely walk. I was pretty much her crutch all the way back to the car. It's at this point that I'm thanking Odin's wisdom to NOT overindulge when you may be needed. The whole time she's letting loose with the cutest stream of drunk babble. Unfortunately, none of it had that drunken wisdom that comes up sometime.
Like earlier in the evening, Fro looks at me and says "Are you OK, you look upset..." (this was before the T&T's loostened me up a bit), "No, that's not it... it's like you are waiting for something. Something that will never come. But you're waiting anyway." Needless to say, my jaw slams into the floor. I look at Pebbles who heard this and her eyes are like dinner plates. I haven't blogged this, but I've started falling for a lady that is unavailable. The emotions haven't blossomed completely, so I just keep pushing it back under the surface and waiting for the situation to resolve itself, it's really best for everyone. One of those moments that you wonder what God was using this guy as a mouthpiece. I may have greatly underestimated him.
Anyhow, we get Iris home and Link shows his amazing talents. Iris is GONE. We all know she needs to vacate her stomach or she is going to wake up in the 4th level of hangover hell and will HATE life. But like most people, she abhors vomiting. We've got her a receptacle and I try to get her to drink some water (the only true cure at this point as everyone knows), but she's fighting me at every step. Meanwhile, Link gets a guinness... the MF KEEPS drinking while doing this. Long story short, he uses no fewer than 4 different forms of psych until she's drinking the water. I'm in awe and the way he alters his vocal tone and cadence to get her to take the water and work her through a toxin flush. Drinking guinness the entire time! Amazing. Eventually, the toxins are out of her system and she passes out on my floor. Link is in no shape to drive so he sleeps on the sofa and JR goes home (he's sober like I am). I try to get Iris up to the guest bed, but she's out and just mumbling. So I go to bed, overall... one of those surreal but fun nights.
I wake up and Iris gets put into the bed in the dark room and is sleeping peacefully. Link is up, and we get the cars. When I get home, Iris is up and I make a VERY light breakfast / lunch. Had a nice quiet afternoon making chicken soups, chatting, reading comicsm and making sure she's OK before heading home. It's times like this that I really want to get a roommate. I find my home a sanctuary, and I'm usually happy. But I don't have much human interaction within my walls and it can be nice. A guy could get used to having feminine company. Just not in the cards right now, and I'm OK with that. I'm young and got a LOT of time to live this life yet.
And then Monday comes and the spell of Sunday is broken. Always sucks when spellcraft comes unraveled, but one cannot spend their lives in a sanctuary. I worked from home yesterday to prevent massive distractions (like this long blog :) ), and it worked. I've gotten all of my sev1s done and am nearly through my stack of other issues. But all is not happy in work-land. I got an e-mail yesterday that had all the tact of a brick, saying that we need to be in the office during this next push... Blah, blah, blah. Has me a little pissed as I was the only DBA in the office last week and just got battered. Every 15 minutes I was interuppted and couldn't get more than a few minutes contiguous to think. So I HAD to work from home to avoid the distractions.
(Addendum to above, the guy who sent the above e-mail appologized for the e-mail to the team in a meeting this morning after Rob explained to him what everyone's situation was... points for being able to admit a mistake... there is hope.)
Finally, I got an amazing surprise. Last night at Spycraft, my ex-fiance from 3 years ago showed up. she was going to just drop in and get some contact info from everyone. But we convinced her to stay and play. I have to say, she looked good. She was smiling and laughing... It was genuinely good to see her. Last time I saw her she was a mess and I felt awful. She's starting a Marvel game up and was inviting the group. She said she still wasn't comfortable inviting me, as it's at her home. I can understand that completely, and harbor no ill will to maintaining her sanctuary. She seems well... I hope it's not just an act, but it sure seemed genuine. That had to be hard for her, to walk into that group after all these years. I hope she felt welcomed. She's a good person (or I wouldn't have gotten engaged to her), we just didn't work out romantically. It was very pleasent to see her.