Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Give credit where credit is due jerk

OK, watching Mahalo Daily and Matt Kunitz was being interviewed.  He's the "creator" of Wipeout, the new show that's premeiring tonight.  He was asked about where he came up with the idea and he went on about how fear factor (which he also produced) and THAT was the inspiration.  There's zero question that the show is a blatant ripoff of MXC and with aspects of something called Ultimate ninja (or something like that, I can't remember the name).  If you're going to steal show ideas... please at least give credit to the REAL creative forces. Sheeze.

Monday, June 23, 2008

More political thoughts

So, I'm catching up on my weekend watching, and I'm seeing people say that Obama has broken his word on campaign finance and that he had promised to "be a game changer" and failed to do it.  Yet, what Obama has done, is to opt out of campaign finance.  The nay-sayers are saying he's broken his word and that he's playing politics as usual.  I partially agree with this, but the concept behind Obama's campaign is frankly better suited by what he's done, in that 1) he's all about millions of small voters... that is TRUE public financing.  2) Who was the last presidential nominee to turn down public financing?  according to the intro to MtP, no one.  That IS a game change frankly.  3) if you need examples of what it means to be a game changer...  MoveOn.org has shut down their 527 group.  A radical political group admiting that Obama is right and shutting it down.  Lets see the swift boat vets "for lies" (sorry, they say truth... very orwelian) and those orgs shut down becuase of McSame's strong stand of "I'm not going to referee them". 
I HATE the vote that Obama is making on the horrible FISA law.  I will be writing his campaign (of who I am a contributor) and I urdge others to do the same. 

Thursday, June 12, 2008

I'm feeling chatty.

New podcast that you HAVE to listen to.  TD-0013 is my hero.  Check him out on A Different Point of View.


I'm going to jump back into some political discourse as we are coming up on a Presidental election. 
Today, I'm thinking about the attempts by many people and groups trying to brand other people and groups as "Elitist". 
Now, my first thought... for these groups slinging elitist as an insult, the majority of them are already IN the media and the body politic. The attempt is to convince us that their targets are not like us... but how many of "us" that they are talking to are in the media or body politic.  Having this tiny little group, who are very well compensated and have TV shows or political power to point the finger at each other with the claim of Elite is pattently ridiculous.  "Kettle, it's Pot on line one... something about being black"
Second, the very word elite isn't an insult.  As a very deep perfectionist (part of my upbringing), I think that elite and prefering the elite is NOT a bad thing at all.  Especially when we are looking at who to run the country.  I personaly think that we want the "choice or best of anything considered collectively, as of a group or class of persons" and not the Tard that people "want to have a beer with" we have in office now. 
Anyhow, that's all I have to say at the moment. 

Monday, June 09, 2008

OK... Here's part of the problem with where we are as a country.

Below is a forwarded email from one of our communities at work.  The problem I see here is that the person views it as a RIGHT to drive a 9 MPG car and have his expenses covered.  Why is it that the thought of NOT DRIVING THE SUV doesn't seem to cross this persons mind?  Pardon me if I don't cry you a river for getting an inefficient car.  That was a choice... now live with it, or change it.
From: *Private*
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2008 4:07 PM
To: Community - EXPENSES;
Subject: EXPENSE miles at $0.485 and gas cost in US



I just did the calculation, and $0.485 per mile in EXPENSE does not cover the cost of gas for my SUV. At about ~$9/gallon and premium gas, that I must use, at ~$4.60/gallon in NYC, I will back get less than I spend for gas at the current reimbursement rate. That does not even include any depreciation on my car.


Can I simply switch to the rental car instead of using my own? Is there an official policy on this? Any plans to adjust the miles rate in US?


Best regards,

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Check this

A blog I read, io9 just posted this little bit of retro futurism.  What's so great about this?  Ladies and Gentlemen, meet my first PC :).  This is what pretty much launched my life into geekdom.  It certainly has proven to be a ton of fun so far. :)


On the Primary

So, Last night Barack Obama became the offcial presumptive nominee.  Good, it's time to focus on the general election for democrats.
The one thing I read this morning that thrilled me is the thought of John Edwards as AG.  I was an Edwards supporter from the begining and I think he would be a fine civil servant in that role.  He has a long history of looking out for the "little guy" that make him a perfect candidate for the job.  More later... Work is calling
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Location: Thornton, Colorado, United States

I'm a geek, plain and simple. I used to fence, I play poker when I can, and am learning to play lacrosse. I also work WAY too much.

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