Thursday, November 30, 2006

What good people think about bad things.

Gotta say, the more I converse with my friend Mountain Man, the more I like dialog with him. His latest blog entry shows a great deal of logic and reason.

While I don't follow the same religious creeds that he does, nor he mine. When I read things like the above, I do feel optimistic that we can make this country better by working with those we do not agree with.

I do believe that the US is noble in it's very character. I do not think that about our current leadership, but that's neither here nor there. What is a truly noble goal is what this nation is. This grand experiment is still in it's infancy, and as we grow, we will make mistakes... but it's the learning and growing process in action. One of the reasons I've been such an outspoken opponent of what I view as a stripping of the Constitutions rights, is that I feel it's abandoning the very spirit that makes this nation truly noble.

I'll probably edit this later to chat more... but the cookies just came out of the oven :)

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Christian Coalition is a bunch of hypocritical idiots.

Got this article off of Wil's blog today.

Real christians are usually cool people. Gotta say the Christian Coalition doesn't really act like christians. I've been blessed to have been raised by a mother that is a true christian, and many of my friends fall into the category. I love them all. But the CC types... speak for themselves I think.

All I can really say is Heil to you, dear reader, may the gods watch over you.


Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Funny for the day

Reason number one that we need lobbying reform, because this is funny only because it's so true! :)

*Edit : The attempted ban on a peace wreath has to be one of the dumbest things I've read in a while. My only complaint would be that they have Algiz upside down :)

Monday, November 27, 2006

Soooo Close

Ubuntu. A difficult concept to live by.

While listening to the BBC's Today podcast, they were discussing reparations toward slavery families in Brittan. Now I haven't put a whole lot of thought into that, so I'm not going to comment. But there was a quote that I loved.

The interviewee said, "You can't dehumanize anyone without also dehumanizing yourself." Wow. It's a simple thought, but so accurate with very deep ramifications. The first example that pops into my head is a comment my father made about Sadaam Hussein's death sentence. Saying that "he's a rabid animal and you put rabid animals down." I respect my father and his opinions, but I do disagree here. For reasons that deal with my beliefs against the death penalty, and my ever growing belief in the concept of Ubuntu.

By reducing any other human to "rabid animal" we, by the same action, lessen ourselves. The connectedness of humanity is becoming more and more apparent in this interconected modern world of ours. Our actions as an individual or a society have ramifications across the globe.

This does not mean that I am a pacifist. To the contrary, I beilive highly in defending onesself and one's kin. But I do not believe in vengence or retribution. Once the moment of action has passed, it's time to set violence and aggression aside and work towards peace and understanding. Much like the Truth and Reconciliation Commision that occured in South Africa when appartheid fell. This is not an easy philosiphy to live by, but I view it as true nobility of the human spirit.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

In honor of the nap!

I was pleased while reading the Denver Post this morning I was pleasently pleased.

A while back I may have blogged about a piece of software called Pzizz. Basically, it fascilitates the power nap. I've been pleasently pleased by it's use and results. To the point where I have taken my uber-comfy folding recliner and a blanket to an unused office at my workplace and use it every day after eating lunch in my cube.

I find that this hour power nap helps me to be much more alert in the afternoon and lets the afternoon sleepies that I used to get after lunch become extinct. I would advocate this software or pattern to anyone. It really works for me. I was most pleased by the above link in that I'm obviously not alone.


Thursday, November 23, 2006

Remember Remember the 5th of November

Frankly, this article shows that someone truly understood what the underlying theme of the movie and book "V for Vendetta" was.

And it continues... I am seriously considering being one of the 1000 that will attempt to petition next year. All I can say is that this is FANTASTIC and is a great use of our rights.


Wednesday, November 22, 2006

OK, one more

Thank you Nancy Pelosi. Her latest statements ring of sanity.

First, the draft is off the table. While I like the reasons that Rangel proposed it... it's just not the answer.

Second, love the quote "The principle of civility and respect for minority participation in this House is something we promised the American people. It's the right thing to do," Well, DUH. That's just common sense and it's something that's been missing from the body politic for quite some time.

More good ideas, "Other top priorities for January are lobbying reform, implementing the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission and rolling back subsidies to the oil industry." These are all things that are no-brainers. Lobbying reform is a MUST in my book. I would love to see K street cleansed. And if that means a group of dems goes down too, great! Corruption and "pay for play" government should be abhorent to ANY party.

The 9/11 commision recommendations should have been put into effect immediately after they came out... not years.

And I still haven't figured out why an oil company (record profits) needs government handouts. Subsidies are for areas of our economy that are essential and struggling... I see that the oil compaines are essential, absolutely. But record profits does not struggling make.

If the above ideas are "whako-leftist" ideas and part of a "San Fransisco morality"... I'm SO down for it.

All of that said. She and the Dems are politicians. It would be redundant to say they lie. So I'm not certain they can manage to do anything above. But even an attempt would be welcome.

A few random thoughts that I need to get off my chest.

First, Tax Cuts and the Economy. The government has revised it's estimates on economic growth. Not by a tiny margine either. They estimated 3.6% and it's now at 3.1%, this is an almost 20% cut of the estimate. They continue the cutting down to 2.7% for 2007. Apparently, the housing market is slowing way down (not surprising, when the upper crust of economic society gets the bulk of tax breaks, they just save it, they don't put it back in to the economy). *Source : NPR daily news podcast

Second, Iran. The CIA has reported that Iran IS capable of creating a nuclear weapon. However, they are saying that if everything goes PERFECT (not likely) it will be AT LEAST 2009 before they do so. Yet, the white house is once again reporting that Iran is an "immediate" threat (and may ALREADY have a nuke - BOO) and the grumblings are starting. I don't buy it. We already have units that have served 5 combat tours in Iraq and our military (by their own leaderships admission) is begining to be stretched. Sun Tzu advocated highly AGASINT getting involved in a two front war. If we go to war in Iran it will be 3 fronts at the minimum. We CANNOT let military force be used as diplomacy again.

Last. Krispy Kreme donuts are way to tasty for their (and my) own good. *sigh*

Monday, November 20, 2006

More Interesting thoughts

James Webb, now Senator from Virginia, wrote this article for the Wall Street Journal.

I know there will be those who disagree with the thought written by Senator-elect Webb, but that doesn't mean it isn't worth posting or thinking about.

Frankly, it is thoughts like this that aided in the Democratic victory in the midterms. As it has been oft quoted, people WILL believe their pocketbooks more than the stock market.

Friday, November 17, 2006

A few thougts on one of my favorite topics

That's right, Human Sexuality. I watched a film by HBO last night that I pulled from Netflix called "The Notorious Bettie Page". I was very impressed by the movie.
First, the film making aspects were very interesting. It was mostly in black and white, but several scenes were done in color to emphasise certain moods or times.
Next, Gretchen Mol pulled off Bettie Page fantastically (I've always been a HUGE fan of Bettie Page). She caputred her form and look perfectly. Page always had that interesting blend of dark and light, with her jet black hair and dark eyes, but those dark eyes sparkled with their own light. I can imagine that's hard to do and Mol pulled it off.

The content of the film was an interesting study of our american history as far as what we considered "obscene" then. When you compare it to today is was a radically different (and frankly, less free in my opinion) society that frankly Betty didn't quite fit in.

For those that are unaware, Bettie Page was a bondage model as well as the classic pinups that everyone has seen. Bondage has gone from completely taboo in the 40's and 50's, both illegal and prosecuted, to something that is now understood to be a quite common fantasy amongst the human race. I have had many discussions with many people (mainly becuase I'm so open about my own thoughts, people seem willing to open up in return) about bondage fantasies and at least half the people I speak with about sex enjoy some form of bondage. ( I admit freely to being among them).

In the film, the prosecution of these bondage photos are becuase they thought they lead to many other negative bahaviours. After much study in this area, we have found this to simply not be true. JUST an interest in bondage does not lead to theft, rape, or murder in any case. Yes, some of these crimes involve a bondage component, sometimes... but enjoying bondage does NOT mean that you are going to go out and rape or kill people. There is no causality like the courts in the 40s and 50s were portrayed as thinking in the film.

Bondage as a human intrest has become quite mainstream in fact. Go into any reputable adult store (I recommend Fascinations personally, very good people) and you will find well lit, clean, and friendly stores where bondage gear takes up a good portion of the store. If it weren't selling, it certainly wouldn't be out. That's just the free market at work.

I am pleased to know that as a society, we continue to evolve. I hope we continue on this path where we realize that human sexuality is so diverse and so broad in what turns people on. A path where eventually the word deviant means very little, becuase it's will be accepted that "normal" sex is almost impossible to define. And without a baseline, how can you deviate. I'm not saying that everyone will be uber kinky... but that the realization that being uber kinky isn't a "bad" thing, even if it's not for you.

If we can accept bondage as a society as acceptable sexual expression, maybe there is hope that one day homosexuality will be equally accepted.

David vs Goliath

As previous posts show, I am NOT happy with the Internet Gaming Prohibition. Now, in that fight, I have a new hero...

That's right, Antigua. If you can belive this article, there is a most interesting legal callenge to the IGP. I find this particular method of challenging the "moral" nature of this bill fascinating.


Thursday, November 16, 2006


I'm starting to get some comments from Co-workers. This does not bother me in the slightest. However, I will give this disclaimer in that this is my personal blog. I have always felt free to speak my mind and will continue to do so. Nothing is intended in a disrespectful or insulting manner. (even the post about amd 43 and ref I) I'll be the first to admit that my thoughts can be out there and off center. But they are my thoughts and this is one of the many outlets for them. If you take offense at anything I say, it's nothing personal. That is all.


Wednesday, November 15, 2006

An interesting tidbit

One of my morning podcasts today (60 second science) talked about something truly interesting.

Psycological Science journal published a study looking at how kids determine who they like and who they don't. The study showed an almost equal like for situations that result from plain dumb luck and ones that are shown by intentional good doing. The podcast gave examples that a kid who found $5 was just as liked as one who went out of his way to help the teacher.

The converse was also show, dislike was shown for kids who were just in bad luck situations, example given was a kid who's soccer game was rained out.

I don't necessarily know what to make of the above, but I did find it interesting that like seems to have some commponent of it that is just based on random draw. The study is looking into if the above could influence (and it seems certain to do so) opinions and behaviours in adults. The main question that led to is how this affects how the handicapped are treated. Something I'll definately call to the forefront of my mind next time I'm around someone who just got a bad draw.


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Much asskicking.

The Mammoth will be broadcasting almost ALL of their games this year. That's beyond cool. (Although I may have to turn on altitude for the season :) )... That or set up viewing parties... hmmm, this sounds like a plan.

Fun with statistics.

This article can be interpreted in many ways.

One is that you are several orders of magnitude more likely to hit a deer than you are to be affected by terrorism.

Another way of interpreting it is that deer are getting fatter. :) Them's good eatin'

Statistics are fun!

Monday, November 13, 2006

OK, Simple rule

This thought inspired by this CNN Article

If you die in the service of your country, you can put anything you fracking want on you headstone. Period, no ifs, ands, or buts.

Elton, you've crossed the line

Gotta say, Elton John has gone too far with these comments.

While I agree that the hard religious right goes to far in their opposition to the homosexual lifestyle, they still have a right to exist. Our Constitution in the states allows us the freedom of religion, but not to the extent that religion isn't allowed to exist. In fact, legislating that religion doesn't have the right to exist would be akin to legislating atheism. Thus violating the bill of rights.

On that note, I do think that if they get involved in ANY form of politics, they should have their tax exempt status removed. That means supporting any candidate, initiative, or ANY political party or movement. The tax exempt rules already prevent this, but enforcement is too lax. If an organized religion is going to get involved in this way, they shouldn't have the right to not pay taxes. Seems straightforward to me.

Edit: This seems a decent way of running elections as well :)

Friday, November 10, 2006

And the Senate went to the Dems yesterday.

I'm very pleased by this. Simply because it makes the two parties we have in this country behave their best. Both sides have good ideas, and both sides have some pretty dumb ones. If one side has all the power (be it replublican OR democrat) it seems to emphasize the worst aspects of that side.

Quite simply, the Replublicans NEED the Democrats, to remind them that their policies that favor corporations and free enterprise affect everyday people. And the Democrats NEED the Replublicans to remind them that their idealistic approach isn't always feasible in the real world, even though it may be a good idea.

Yup, quite pleased.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Ramifications of the "Thumpin'"

As I've said in previous posts, having the government at it's own throat rather than OURS is a very good thing. Obviously, I'm not the only one who feels this way, this is a good article.

I am dissapointed in the general populous for being biggoted with the passing of AMD 43 and (especially) the killing of Ref I. It's great the way a fearful public can created a second class grouping of citizens. Ref I would have allowed same sex couples hospital visit rights by default and other items that a married couple enjoys. It wouldn't legally make them married, rather it would have given them their basic rights. I know calling the above biggoted is harsh... but accurate. If you take offense at being called a biggot, don't act biggoted.

To start off the obvious debate that this is going to cause, remember that a few decades ago, similar laws were in place against interracial marriages. This is no different and no less wrong.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Last political item (hopefully)

In the immortal words of the President in "The Fifth Element"... "I have a doubt".
The above link is the HBO documentary on the vote counting discrepancies in the last 6 years. As the midterm elections are currently underway, this is good to view.

I'm going to be so thankful when all the ads and signs go away and we are all able to live our normal lives.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Even more disgusting thoughts

This is ridiculous.
Really saddens me the state that our political system is in. sigh.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

NOW I will comment

I was not going to comment on this until AFTER all the facts came to light. And since Ted Haggard finally came clean about the reported situation, I feel now is appropriate.

I emplore the extreme ideological evangelicals to STOP trying to push for legislation enforcing your morals when your leadership itself cannot live up to them. This man repeatedly condemned ALL of the very things he was doing. All I ask of these people is that you try to live YOUR lives the way you claim and STOP telling others how to live theirs. Please. It's a simple request.

Friday, November 03, 2006

A - Frackin - Men

As south park put so succinctly (sp). It ALWAYS comes down to a giant douche and a turd sandwitch.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Minnesota is out at the moment.

Well, It originally look like there would be at least a one week try and buy on my skills, but something else is going on. But it looks like there is some stuff going on that I'm not privy too, so it's on hold at the moment.
Gotta say I WAS looking forward to blowing their socks off when I got out there.
On a plus note, I got that fantastic geek feeling this afternoon where you are soo on your game and a gnarly issue comes up that everyone else is scratching their heads on, but you manage to kill it, leaving everyone else asking. "OK, what was actually the problem and how was it solved" I LOVE that feeling. Gorram fantastic.

Oh, I'm turning back on Comments. I have more time now that halloween is over.

Another goofy quiz from another blog.

Your results:You are Spider-Man
You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz


Green Lantern
Wonder Woman
The Flash
Iron Man

I've always enjoyed this comic

and frankly, there's a lot of times it seems over the top. But it always makes you think.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Two things

First, a thought on Nov 1st. As this is the first day after Samhain, the last day of the year and the last harvest. I'm going to fast for the day. Kinda set the tone that it's time as winter approaches to slow down consumption. Also keeps me from eating ALL the leftover candy in one day ;).

Second, I may have an engagemnt within Avanade that will take me to Minneapolis for the next 5 months. It should be a standard Avanade travel engagement where I'm gone monday through Thursday. We'll see how it goes. Not sure the chances on this, but it IS a possibility.
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Location: Thornton, Colorado, United States

I'm a geek, plain and simple. I used to fence, I play poker when I can, and am learning to play lacrosse. I also work WAY too much.

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