Thursday, August 30, 2007

Mr. Bush, I have pretzels an I'm not afraid to use them.

Interesting article came across a heathen mailing list, Apparently, the widow who fought to have the wiccan pentacle on her vertean, wiccan husbands tombstone after he was killed in Iraq was noticably NOT invited to a meeting with the "leader" of this country, while the non-wiccan portions of his family WAS in attendance.

First, with all due respect (none), NOT inviting ANY widow to this sort of event is just plain rude. I've come to expect nothing less of our nations current political structure. Republican, Democratic, or any others. They care nothing for anyone. No matter what they say. They care for power and nothing else. May they ALL take on Kobayashi in a pretzel eating contest.

Second, There ARE details missing from this article. Was this meeting with families other than the Stewarts? Not sure, and I'd like to know that before making a judgement as to wether this was an intentional slight. If other sacrificed soldiers' wives were there then this was definatly intentional. This would not surprise me at all.

Third, I am not Wiccan, (I'm an open and unappologetic Heathen) but I will defend ANYONE's beliefs, so far as that belief is not intent on destroying/harming other beliefs (see addendum 1 below). I would never even dream of belittling someone elses beliefs and faith bysaying they are not "real". It's well known that Bush has made comments of that nature and is bigoted toward people who beilive in ways that he doesn't like or agree with. With this kind of tolerance and desire for understanding, we have exactly what I'd expect foregn relations and policy wise. *side note* I understand that Bush doesn't set all policy, but he's the figure head, like a CEO... and when he suggests directions, or even makes his desires known, (Like the assasination of Thomas Becket, as a historical context of making your desires known) the staff that he appointed WILL follow it.

I find myself deeply in love with this country for the freedoms I have, that I can believe the way I wish and write items such as the above. But I also find myelf disgusted by what it's becoming. I suppose I adore the CONCEPT of America, and not so much the modern implementation of it.

I'm out of time... but my brain is still chewing on all this. Maybe more later, maybe not.

***Addendum 1***
A quick example of what I meant above, I find Islam to be a beautiful religion. The majority of people who practice that faith are peacful, charitable, and kind people. However, those radical elements within the Islamic faith that promote the destructions of all other faiths I will not support. It's an intersting logical inconsitancy that I find myself in. In that I cannot in good conscience wish those radical elements destroyed, because I do think they have a right to believe what they believe. (although I do think that they have been misled), But I also truly abhor them. I have still yet to reconcile that incosistancy within myself. The closest I have come is to let them believe, think, and say what they want... but when/if they take ACTION, to be ready with hammer and shield. I suppose that's why I had to write this, when someone uses words to attack others, appropriate response is to refute with words. If action is taken, then action is called for.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Only post I'll make about Michael Vick

OK, Vick has pled guilty.  He ran a dog fighting ring and may or may not have been directly involved with killing animals that did not perform well.  He may have financed the whole thing (probabl, considering his salary) .  He has been suspended without pay, will forfeit 22M in signing bonus and faces over a year of jail in FEDERAL prison.  It remains to be seen if his career is over or not.
All of that said... What the fuck more does Peta want from this guy?!?!?!  I went from disliking peta's tactics to now abhohing their overall judgement.  There have been prior players that have been involved of killing a PERSON and didn't even miss any playing time.  Please don't think I'm thinking that Vick is a fine upstanding person, but the dude is going to pay for his mistakes.  Probably 5 times over compared to other convicted criminal athletes.  (is that like a student athlete???).
This country is really showing that if you're a person... we don't give a flying fuck about you.  But if you're a dog, not only will we seek justice, but revenge as well.  We all should be ashamed of ourselves... I know I am.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


The Flyback for my company has been announced. It's in Las Vegas, on NOV 1st. Of course I plan on going out early for Halloween in Las Vegas, NV :) HEHEHEHE.


*Edit : and I have tickets to Zoomanity for Sat night. Human Sensuality / Sexuality as performed by Cirque du Soleil... I've wanted to see this show for a few years. :)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Just shoot me.

Two reasons...
Second, it was just announced that the project is moving to Dallas on Sept 10th... Frakk.

Friday, August 17, 2007

I seriously don't know what to say.

How are you supposed to react to something like this.  It seems sad, stupid, irresponsible, ironic and moronic all at the same time.  It's not a big deal, but it is at the same time.  I'm scratching my head.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Wow... I can't stand Christians like this

OK, this is a good one... First, check out this article on the illegal endorsement of a political candidate by the First Southern Baptist Church.  Seems like a VERY clearcut violation of IRS rules.  So, how does Wiley Drake, the pastor, respond?  Why with a call for his flock of sheeple to pray for a curse on the leaders of the AU (American Union for the Seperation of Church and state).  In case you were wondering, here's the dictionary definition of Imprecatory prayerReal turn the other cheek type stuff there.
All I can say is that these people are full of bullshit.  I'm glad to know that people who wish ill on others are usually visited ill themselves.  I'm actually laughing at this church, they are truly pathetic. 
Now, if they choose to take phyiscal action, I'll be waiting with sword and shield in hand. A furore Normannorum libera nos, Domine

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Bluetooth security

I turned on the news today and they did a full 5 minute piece on bluetooth security and how knowledgeable people can actually remotely activate a bluetooth device and *gasp* listen in on conversation when you are in the car.  Not even when you are on the phone but just the ambient conversations.
Now... stop for a second and think about it.  Here's a sample of what you would hear if you listened in to my car mounted bluetooth. 
1) "What the *explecitive*... GO THE *explicitive* SPEED LIMIT you *explicitive* *explicitive*."
2) <at the top of my lungs and out of tune> "Got a shoo thrown at me from a mean old man... get my dinner from a garbage can... MEEEOOOOWWW"
3) "where the *explicitive* is 6th avenue.  I couldn't have already past it", says I
   "Make a legal u-turn...", says the GPS
   "Mother *explicitive*!!!"
4) "I love you too Honey.  Where do we want to eat?"
5) "I should get a bike..."
5a) (this one is from a good friend of mines daughter)  *screaming* "I wanna Swiiiing, I wanna SwiiIInngg, I wanna SWWWiinng, I wanna SwIIInggg, I wanna sWIIiinngg"
With the above said, how many people out there ACTUALLY think there are people out there following you around listening in.  You've got to be within 30 to 50 yards tops.  Now if you are talking about government or coporate secrets over the bluetooth, perhaps you should look into a little security (BT comes with a lot of oprions you can use to secure, they are just off by default.)  But if you are a normal person, there is no reason to worry... regardless of what the news tells you.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Echo post

    I'm posting this Voltron Link from a friends blog to add my $.02.  I seriously echo his sentiment that this trend has GOT TO STOP...  I know my significant other liked Voltron, I was not a huge fan, but I do NOT want to see more of my childhood drug into the light of day and turned into something that is a shadow of itself.  Transformers was a awesom movie... but frankly that is the exception to the rule.  Most of these childhood cartoons / shows turned into movies are there just for a quick buck. 
    It kills me to watch franchise after franchise get drug up, raped violently for a buck and then thrown away.  I think that's where the difference with Transformers was... they were very gentle, and took it out to a very nice dinner first.  I guarantee that Voltron will not get the same treatment becuase they are going to try and ride on the coattails of the x-formers success.  Sad.  Would I like to see a series like Robotech get the same type of live action treatment that x-formers got... hell yes. But only if the translation from script to screen is as direct and accurate as say Sin City or 300...
   I'm done ranting now.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Well, it looks like our project could be moving locations... the problem is I have no idea where. Pray for close to home.

*Edit* After having a conversation with my co-worker who I am replacing on this project, if the project had moved to Denver BEFORE he decided to quit, he'd have stayed with Avanade. Now I'm really torn about this. I feel that the loss of this individual is a detriment to our company as he's a talented dev. So if the project moves to Denver, this would be a bitter sweet move.



OK, this has noting to do with work.  But when I packed my suitcase for phoenix yesterday, I realized that there wasn't a single piece of non-UA clothing.  That has taken some doing (considering the pricy nature of some pieces of UA), but now that I'm in hot phoenix, it's been most worth it.  Hooray UA, Booo 100+ temps!

Monday, August 06, 2007

Phoenix, Week 2

Looks like the weather out here may be a little cooler... and by a little I mean high 90's.  So hopefully it's a little more pleasent this week.
So, had a good weekend.  The Outlaws came up HUGE and beat the LA Riptide 11-10 in a greatly entertaining game.  Then saw the Bourne Ultimatum with my sweetie and several friends, great film.  Most entertaining and some very cool concept of time passage.  It links magnificently with the other movies and is so worth going to. 
I've got some reservations about the project I'm on.  I won't go into details of it, other than to say that I think this is a very poorly defined project.  This is rarely a good situation, here I'm hoping we can work through it. But it's hard to get started when there are very few details as to where the destination is.
Anyhow, back to the grind.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Product review.

Let know one say that they will be able to tell what my next blog entry will be.  I never know what crazy things will cross my mind. 
That said.  Phoenix is Hot.  Damn Hot.  Like it's time to do some crotch-pot cooking hot (all respects to Robin Williams for stealing his bit).  I went out Monday afternoon for lunch and was immediately saying "oh, heeeeeell no."  I got back from lunch, went up to the underarmour site and ordered another heat gear polo and a pair of their new golf khakis (pleated front).  I couldn't stand to wait so I shelled out the $20 bucks for overnighting and I got them at the hotel.
As with most things from UA, I'm impressed.  They are extremelly lightweight to the point where you really don't feel them all when they are on.  It's like I'm just wearing my undies... and since those are UA too, everything is very comfortable.  As I walked back from the hotel with them on, the AZ heat is quite mitigated. I'm quite comfortable now and it's amazing.  I don't think I have ever found a company that consistently delivers such a top notch poduct a UA.  I'm going to have to order another pair with my next paycheck. I think even a black pair will beat the heat, I'll have to give them a shot.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

I've found a new podcast.

Check out LogicallyCritical, it's a infrequently updated 'cast and is amazing.  The guys sense of humor is right up my alley and his reading / intonation remind me of Randall from Clerks.  I'd recommend at least any one or two episodes as a sample.  Well worth subscribing.
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Location: Thornton, Colorado, United States

I'm a geek, plain and simple. I used to fence, I play poker when I can, and am learning to play lacrosse. I also work WAY too much.

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