Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Lacrosse comment

Hey all,
   I haven't written about lacrosse recently.  The Outlaws season has been in full swing and I'm happy to say we have a MASSIVE game against LA this weekend that will pretty much decide the playoff fate of the Outlaws.  Win, and they'll be tough to keep out... lose, and getting in is going to be a major challenge.
   There was also quite a bit of interesting things that have happened for the Mammoth over the last few days.  First Gary Gait is no longer the head coach of the Colorado Mammoth, he has been offered (and offer he couldn't refuse as Dave Stilley put it) the head coaching job for the Syracuse Womens LAX team.  That's a dream job at the school he made famous by winning the 78, 79, and 80 championships. 
   Second, there was a major trade in the NLL that had Steve "Chugger" Dietrich getting traded to the Calgary Roughnecks.  I have to say, I LOVE seeing a player I hate, traded to a team I hate, and is a rival.  Escpecially when you look at the fact that we have lit up old Chugger the last few times we've met him.  Now we get to see that fat, lazy son of a bitch 2 or 3 times a year.  Hooray.
   Third, the expansion draft this afternoon sees Brian Langtry picked up by the new Boston team, only to be traded back TO the Mammoth for Casey Cittadino and Sean Morris.  Not a bad trade... but I have to go on record as saying I don't think the Mammoth should have traded back for him.  Last year I was not pleased with his selfish play and ball hogging.  I'm hoping he manages to change next year, cause we need a team t win another cup... not a ballhog. 
   Last, this trade would have been great... 5 years ago.  I don't know how much Wulder has left in the tank.  Time will tell.

Small project comments

Well, I'm on another accenture project in Phoenix, AZ.  I've got to say, if you ever get the opportunity to go to Phoenix in August... shoot yourself first.  It actually got DOWN to 90 last night.  And what's worse is we're in the "monsoon" season... which means there's no rain, but it's 50% to 75% humidity and 105+ temps during the day.  I can imagine this is what Vietnam felt like.  WOW, it's unpleasent.  At least we have AC... I can't imagine if I had to LIVE in this horrific weather.
Second, the team is green... and I mean WAY green.  I asked the table of 4 other people that are on my team yesterday, "How long have you been with your company?"  The LONGEST answer was "2 months".  I'm having to do a lot of coaching on how to be a consultant and I'm the sub contractor.  It's a strange situation.  This is the second team I've been on that is this green... I'm hoping this won't be as difficult as the last.  These people seem really nice, just really new to "the game." Which means that no one on my team is going to have my back... that makes me nervous.  Oh well, I'm good enough to not need it, it's just nice to have.

A few political items to cover

First, I want to congratulate Senator Ted "Tubes" Stevens for getting embroiled in yet another congressional corruption investigation. The FBI raided his home yesterday and I'm sure we'll be hearing more on this in the coming days and weeks.  Ted is the Senator who famously said "the internet is not a dump truck (audio linked above) and sponsored the famed Alaska bridge to nowhere.
I am truly begining to believe that our political system is so corrupt that it needs to be completely re-booted.  There are no clean politicians on either side of the aisle and we certainly can't trust who we have in office now to police themselves.  I'm honestly not certain what we can do as a people without bloodshed though.  I don't want to advocate violence... but the level of our elected officials corruption is obscene. I just don't know what I can DO.  Voting sure doesn't help.  But it's my JOB as a citizen, so I will continue to.  Letter writting sure doesn't matter, unless you write your opinion on a check with more than 3 zeroes on it. I'm very disenchanted right now.
On another note, Fox News talking head Bill O'reilly has been on a crusade over the last few days against the web blog DailyKos.  Which becuase of, I've started reading.  It's very left leaning, but amusing.  The funny part is that it seems there are many like me that are starting to read BECUASE of Bill Orally's threat to "Destroy" them.  Funny how when someone tries to silence contrary opinion (and that's all this is, opinion) it seems to make it stronger.  I love that part of human nature and society. 

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Simple Logic.

This is a global forward that I recieved from a friend of mine.  Sometimes Ted Nugent will say things that just seem nuts... and others, he makes perfect sense.
I don't think there is a single part of his argument that I disagree with.  I've always said that I'm against the death penalty, but that in the heat of the moment... all bets are off.  He's dead on about why the founders added the second ammendment to the Bill of Rights.  It's worth a watch and I would love hearing comments.
I lied above, there is one *very minor* point that I disagree with him on.  And that's the way the justice system works does not parole because we feel "sorry for them", rather that we as a society seem to have decided that people CAN be reformed.  Totally minor point to his argument and barely woth mentioning.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Sigh, i'm in phoenix for a one day mtg... The forcast tomorrow is 104 degrees.


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

On the road again

Well, I just got the call, I'm on a project in Phoenix.  I start ramping up tomorrow due to extreme need (a guy is sadly leaving avanade).  I don't fly out until Monday next week but I'm staffed as of tomorrow morning.  From the initial report I got from the guy I'm replacing this is going to be a lot of SSIS and SSRS (SQL Server Integration Services and SQL Server Reporting Services for my non-acronym friends).  I'm actually looking forward to being on a project again and being a productive member of Avanade.  This makes me a little less stir crazy. 
For any of my friends who also play WoW... I'll probably play a little in the evenings on the road.  Drop me a line and I'll let you know my character and server if you want to say hi.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Continuing the trend of run by blogging

I must have this!!!  Party at my place :)

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Think geek does it again

Where do they get such wonderful toys

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Long time no post

And I'm only doing a run-by post.  Just gotta say, I LOVE Ask a Ninja!  That and OMFG Transformers absolutely rocked.  Good story (very like the cartoon) and effects so good that you found yourself taking them for granted.  I actually wondered at certain points if they had actually builf a giant robot.  Unbelievably tight.
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Location: Thornton, Colorado, United States

I'm a geek, plain and simple. I used to fence, I play poker when I can, and am learning to play lacrosse. I also work WAY too much.

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