Monday, February 25, 2008


I've been listening to the TWiT (This Week in Tech) podcast and a buddy of mine pinged me this morning about the latest episode.  (Google it...worth looking into).  They had Johnathan Coultan on, (wrote the song Code Monkey if you are in the dark on who he is).  He writes a lot of "geek-centric" tunes that really follo the classic axiom of the "right" people will get this.  It's really good stuff. 
As they discussed, they had one of the best lines, and that is that we geeks are "More willing to put on the pointy ears" in discussing Johnatan's fans that show up dressed in costume to his shows a LOT.  The more I think about this, the more I realize that it's totally true.  That I'm a die-hard geek cannot be denied, and I hang out with a lot of self proclaimed geeks as well.  And if you catch up with us at Mammoth games you'll see just how willing we are to put on the pointy ears.  If you want fans that will be MASSIVE fans... you really can't go wrong with geeks :)

Friday, February 22, 2008


The "blue" laws are going the way of the Dodo.  Or at least heading that way.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

FullMetal Alchemist

    I have been watching the anime called FullMetal Alchemist for the last few months.  I got them off Netflix and am just wrapping up the series.  I have to say, this is some of the best writing I've had the pleasure of watching in a long time.  It's magnificent and at times VERY hard to watch.  Some of the choices and characters are both wonderful and tragic at the same time.  I've found myself crying at several points in the series. 
    I'm not looking forward to being done with it.  Becuase I find myself looking so forward to the next episode... it ranks right up there with Firefly.  It'll suck when there ISN'T a next episide.  I cannot recommend this series enough.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Many topics, been too long

   First, I jumped the gun on my podcast.  Gimmie a few weeks now :)
   Second, I've made my desicion on who I'm voting for on Super Tuesday... I'm going to have to vote for Obama.  Here are my reasons.  With Edwards dropping out (who had my initial support and donations), I was left with the choice between Hillary and Barack.  There really aren't any other viable democratic candidates, and the republicans are (as is typical for the last 20 years... more later) a bunch of total whack jobs.  All are pro-war, flag waving before thought types who I just can't support.  This country needs to change and more of the same won't accomplish that. 
    Actually, that leads me to WHY I'm supporting Barack Obama.  For over 2 decades now, the name following "President of the United States" has been either Bush or Clinton.  I'm sick of that.  We are NOT an ouligarchy (well, we ARE... we're just not SUPPOSED to be).  That's frankly what the topping point is for me.  I'm in agreement with Mrs. Clinton on many points, and I'm in agreement with Obama on others.  That split is almost 50-50... so the tie goes to the new guy.  At least that's the way it works in my addled mind. Now, there is some talk of a dream ticket of some flavor of Clinton - Obama. That would REALLY work frankly. They complement each other and would do very well. I think the same thing if either candidate gets John Edwards as their VP candidate. It's all a win-win situation.
   Third, work here in Seattle is fantastic.  The work is right in my wheelhouse and I'm really able to deliver some of my top notch work.  My hours are sane (which is very new for me), in that I get into the office between 9 and 10am and get to go home between 5:30 and 6:30.  Not a bad little arrangement.  I now have my RAS access, so I will be flying home on Thursday nights a little more than I have in the past.  So that's another bonus.
    Next topic, the Colorado Mammoth are 4-0!  They are at the quarter pole of the season and still haven't been beaten.  The season is shaping up to be a fun one as the WAY they are winning is with an amazing defense.  The boys on the back line deserve just as much credit as Gee Nash because the shots on goal numbers against us are way down.  And the loose ball numbers are up.  That's a championship winning formula if I've ever seen one.  Add that up to 2 winless teams in our 4 team division and it's looking like getting tops in the West this year will not be much of a challenge.
   Next.  My first main character in WoW (Erubuul on Quel'Dorei) just hit lvl 63.  I'm absolutely stunned by the expansion pack content.  When I stepped through the Dark Portal, I litterally spent 15 minutes or so just looking at the scenery.  There's a massive battle raging on and you really feel like a part of the story line over there.  Look me up if you play.  We'll party.  My other main character (Belari, lvl 46 Warlock) is also a blast to play, mainly because my GF (Caynaa, same servers) and I are leveling these chars up together and it's nice (as in real life) to have a partner in crime.  Again, look us up, we'll party.
   So, that's all for now.  I'm learning Icelandic... it's not the easiest thing to learn.  But it's fun.
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Location: Thornton, Colorado, United States

I'm a geek, plain and simple. I used to fence, I play poker when I can, and am learning to play lacrosse. I also work WAY too much.

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