Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Single issue voters. (warning, profanity)

First, I want to take a second to question the concept of "single issue voters", the people who vote for a canddate that agrees with them on their one issues regardless of other stances.  This is usually abortion, but doesn't have to be.
Now, here in Colorado have an issue that seems like it should cause even one issue voters to take note.  Even though McCain is staunchly Anti-Choice (everyone is pro-life... to insinuate otherwise is patently ridiculous), he has announced that he wants AZ, CA, and NV to have more of Colorado's most precious resource... our water.  We here in Denver had had water issues for as long as I've lived here.  To tell us that AZ isn't getting enough and we would have to do with less... fuck you.  I spent a lot of time in Phoeinx last summer, it bit.  But the part that bugged me was that everyone that town had lush green lawns... in a FUCKING DESERT. 
So, to McCain and all the other assholes in Phoenix who want more CO water to waste.  Try xeriscaping, cause there's no way we're going to turn our state into a fullblown desert so you can have another gorram golf course.  Blow Me.

Monday, August 11, 2008

I'm still a supporter of John Edwards

*** Warning, questionable language ahead ***
This thing is being blown way out of proportion.  Affairs happen every day.  That doesn't make it right or good, but if I were married and had an affair, it doesn't make me any better or worse of a DBA.  I still support the way this man approaches the law and how he views government needing to be run.
Why is it that we let so many obvious forms of corruption slide, which is a much bigger issue for a politician, yet when someone fucks someone that isn't their wife it sticks around forever.  I said the same thing about the whole Eliot Spitzer crap and I think the republican who's name escapes me who got caught soliciting in the mens room is equally ridiculous.  It's bollocks that THESE are big issues, but Ted Stephens' corruption is "well, that's just politics". 
Let these people who have been involved in sex shit alone, and go after the corrupt.  If that takes out Washington... so be it.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Long time no speak... but happy about the MLL

So, what am I happy about... that the Philadelphia Barrage and the Rochester Rattlers are the representatives for the Eastern Conference and that LA is the west wild card.  By filling out the playoffs, we now know that Boston will NOT be in and therefore NOT getting home field advantage. 
This is a small drawback in that attendance will be lower (most MLL championships have pathetic attendance.  I think 8000 people total across 3 games were last years numbers).   If the MLL wants to shatter their attendance records and make a TON of money, they should host the championship weekend in Denver.  We pull 8000 as a low water mark for a thursday night game.  Add into that the fact that that the Outlaws have never missed the playoffs, and you'll easily bring in 20K per game.  that's some serious coin.
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Location: Thornton, Colorado, United States

I'm a geek, plain and simple. I used to fence, I play poker when I can, and am learning to play lacrosse. I also work WAY too much.

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