Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Beat the weasel for the first time in a while.

Actually managed to get a good run in on the stationary bike. Not great, but better than nothing.

Warning, nuts point of view

I miss the Penn Jillette radio program, because I could always count on him to take the nuts point of view on difficult topics.  I liked that.  So today, I HAVE to take that mantle upon myself.  As everyone is aware at this point, 32+ people were killed in a gunman attack at Virginia Tech yesterday.  I have several thoughts on this, disagree at your leisure.

Ive said this to people about Columbine before, and Ill re-iterate it here.  Your defense and safety are your responsibility.  Your safety does NOT ultimately fall under the realm of your university, your building manager, or your host.  The first question that came to my mind is HOW did this guy manage to kill 32?  I wondered aloud why the kids in Columbine did not rise up against their attacker and I really wonder it here.  VT is a COLLEGE people These kids are in their early 20s.  Sure the guy has a pistol and he can spray quite a few bullets at once but he is STILL one shooter.  An untrained shooter cannot handle multiple targets charging him.  Or even better throwing chairs or other objects.  This dude had the time to chain a door shut and shoot people at his leisure.  Why were his victims not fighting back?  Its at moments like this that I truly applaud my friend(s) who have put their young children into martial arts to allow them the mental faculties to process this information AS it happens and not become human sheep.

Second point.  To the press hold up a mirror for a second and listen to yourselves.  There has been nothing but 24 hour wall to wall coverage of this.  I watched for 5 minutes this morning while drying my hair.  They had a VERY ironic thing to say.  This guy was looking for a voice, for his moment in the sun Ummm YOURE GIVING IT TO HIM.  Yes its a fucking tragedy, yes its sad.  But lets be completely honest.  There are approximately 32 people dead 32.  Thats all.  How many died in Iraq today, they were young people too? How about of heart attacks?  On the freeway?  WHY is this different.  Death is death.  Why do these 32 warrant wall to wall coverage and the ones who die in other manners dont?  By giving this shooter the voice he wanted, youre definitely giving the next guy who thinks about a mass killing absolutely NO reason to think twice.  He would find himself encouraged that if he can break this VT shooters record ,  he will also get wall to wall coverage and that elusive voice.  Sheeze.

Last, the shock and horror at the violence of this.  We are more like the Roman empire as a society than we care to admit. We use violence as entertainment.  We use our military as a country to solve our problems.  Our most popular sports involve collisions and violence.  Why then are we shocked that out innocent children watch, learn, and listen.  That said, Im not blaming the media at all, as I said above, were responsible for our own safety… but that goes for our own actions as well. But our society has absolutely ZERO right to feign shock over this when we are a violent culture.  If you deny we are a violent culture, youre living in a vacuum.  Just look at the majority of our top television shows and movies.  (And YES, American Idol makes ME want to be violent, but we can disregard that one as weve established my lack of normalcy)  Im not advocating getting rid of these forms of entertainment hell, I LOVE them myself.  I still get shivers thinking of Gavin Prout taking a full bore run and leveling some poor guy at a LAX game.  Im just saying stop being surprised.  Thats like being against condom use then being surprised that teenage pregnancy goes up. 2+2 = 4 its pretty simple.

These killings are going to continue.  Nothing can stop it, it’s the price we are going to pay as a society for being who we are.  Its silly of us to pretend otherwise.  We need to get over it.


Friday, April 13, 2007

I have no self control

But damn do I have a good time doing it J . Last night the Mammoth clinched the western conference championship with a win over the San Jose Stealth (who says ninjas are unbeatable). However, in a charity auction, a number of Mammoth players put some of their game worn equipment, jerseys, helmets and bags up for the Mammoth Yard Sale. I ended up dropping $150 on a game worn New Jersey Pride MLL jersey from none other than Dave Stilley (the hard-hitting Mammoth defenseman who looks like he may retire at years end), plus the gear bag and the matching shorts for the uni. Im wearing the jersey, but I don’t think the shorts will get worn. No offence Dave J

Anyhow, great game last night. I cant speak right today.. so you know it was a blast. Last game of the year is tonight on B2. If we win, and Rochester loses even one game to the Buffalo Bandits, then were going to have the opportunity to HOST a championship cup game. Lets go Mammoth!!!!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


I know many people who suffer from physical depression… I do not envy them.  As I’ve said before, I’m on Paxil for acute anxiety.  I decided quite some time ago that I’m going to need to be on it for quite some time.   Now, with the shipping out to CA, it hasn’t been that big a deal… I just fill my daily dispenser for the week and head out.  The rub came this week.  When they made me stay the weekend, my weekly supply has run out.  I had a friend send me a weeks worth in the mail, but I believe now that the post office has intercepted them and NOT delivered them.  This is NOT a good thing. 

I have Xanax to prevent the anxiety, but Paxil also has anti-depressant properties.  So what is happening to me is as my brain chemistry reverts to “normal” the loss of the Paxil is triggering a temporary, but intense, physical depression.  I am now sleeping 8 to 10 hours a night and waking up exhausted.  I just don’t feel like even speaking to anyone and I’m starting to have difficulties being in an up mood.  Overall, this is not a fun feeling.  While this “withdrawal” will fade for me (for which I consider myself very fortunate), the anxiety problems will not. I came to that conclusion quite some time ago as I’ve already said.  That said, these last (and next) 72 hours have been rough.


Tuesday, April 03, 2007

I'm loosing ground

The weasel is beating the shit out of me.  I havent worked out in a full week and half.  I think that makes the score Weasel 8 : me 2. 

Im going to do better in April, I promise (not that its going to do any good, I promise to do that all the time and never do)

I had several things on my mind that I should blog this morning, but have promptly forgotten them.  The first reason is that Im beginning to believe that the post office has intercepted the Paxil that I was having a friend mail me so Im not running on fumes with precious little chance to refuel until Sat.  By that time my system will have completely flushed it out and I may be having some anxiety / depression issues.  Combine that with the bursitis in my knees flaring up again and it hurting to do more than sit and walk (damned weasel is going to win, I can feel it).  AAAAANND, the State of Colorado pulled the plug on my last project yesterday, making a local paper I feel just ducky.   Like a duck with tourettes that is!! All I want to do is drink this lovely 100% Kona coffee and swear my brains out.


Monday, April 02, 2007

One more learned thing

Frontier has added a 2:35pm flight out of SNA to Denver, So Ill be getting home at 5:00pm starting the week of the 16th.  YAY!!!

Silly Comments

I have discovered a few things about myself over the last week, none of them earth shattering nor impressive but hey, not every day can bring an existential epiphany.  Some days you just learn to not stick peanuts up your nose (learned that when I was 4!! J )

First, I cant drink normal coffee anymore.  Ive gotten completely hooked on Kean coffee.  It can best be described as artisan coffee, roasted in small batches and only the best beans.  I invested in a bag of 100% Kona beans that were less than 3 days out of the roaster  oh man is that stuff ambrosia in the mornings.  Mmmmmm, <drool>.

Second, I need to learn to make a good vodka martini.  I started drinking them Friday night and I LIKE them (they are best dirty).  Im thinking Ive found a new drink of choice, I like them that much.  I still think that the Mojito is a better summer drink, but theres something timeless about the martini.  Im glad I found that tastiness.


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Location: Thornton, Colorado, United States

I'm a geek, plain and simple. I used to fence, I play poker when I can, and am learning to play lacrosse. I also work WAY too much.

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