Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Almost there...

So, We have one more month before release. My hours are going to be crazy and I don't expect to have much of a social life.

However, I did play an hour of .02/.05 NL tonight. The table was ripe so I disobeyed Chris Furgesons rules of quitting when you have 10% of your bankroll on the table. To show you how ripe the table was... I turned $5 into $23.50 in an hour. Soooo

Current DC standings.. Bankroll is at $84.81 or +$34.81 (+70%). Not too shabby for a rec player.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Why I haven't blogged and why I love my company.

I am in a massive crunch mode right now at work. I'm starting to get toward the 80+ hour a week mark and it's pretty rough. (although I'm on schedule with my workouts... so I feel good at least).

To show you how crazy it is... my company is now buying lunch for anyone who works through lunch and dinner for anyone who stays late. This is how it's going to be until the end of the project... rough times... but at least they are taking care of us.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Poker Report.

Played a little cash game last night that was NL. (giving it a shot... ) I also tried using Chris Furgeson's 5% buy in rules. So I only bought in for $4. And you have to leave when you get to 10% of your total bankroll.

Playing .02/.05 NL I got to $8.40 and left my first table... then got beat for $4 at my second table. So I won .40... Yeah.

I forgot to log another donkey challenge ealier. I played 1$/2$ Limit for 100 hands on Sunday and won $4.50. So my bankroll is at 67.44or +17.44 (+35%)

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

I live

I'm officially recovering from 3 days of flu over the weekend. The strain that is going around now is truly brutal and I really wouldn't recommend it.

Anyhow, I'm on track with my pyramid weight training now (I missed 2 days last week when I was laid up in bed... but I think I can be forgiven). I still haven't added the abdominal component, but I'm planning on adding that next week. I weigh in on Saturdays and was at 195 with 22% body fat. (I'm 6' ~ 6'1"ish... so that's not terrible) I'd like the BF% to drop and maintain the weight. If I can get to 195 with a 18% body fat, I think I'll be pretty cut.

I've done NOTHING social for almost 5 days. Today is looking like a death work day. I'm planning on blazing at 6:30~7:00ish and working from home after that. On a funny note, they have decided to run the Avande poker tournament every other week... I was So enjoying taking their money on a WEEKLY basis (sigh).

I would like to recommend the Pacific Coast Hellway (very adult though, not for kids!!) podcast. My morning is no longer complete without hearing the signature "Holy Shit, and hot damn" from the Hellway. That and I'm also hooked on Jimmy Jett's podcast about nothing.

Anyhow, got to get back to work... My 5 minute noodles are done and it's time to get back to it. No rest for the wicked.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Two for Two

I'm really enjoying playing in the Avanade poker tournament. I've now won 2 in a row. The best part is that I beat the same lady heads up both times. This time she pushed all in with KQ while heads up. I had A4. And true to hold-em form... no improvement on either side. Another $50. I wish this counted towards my DC numbers.

So in 3 tournaments I have a 2nd and two firsts... I think I'm making a name for myself. :)

State of the union

Well, I was at a late session with co-workers last night (meeting at a bowling alley... more fun than just talking.), so I was a little disappointed that I missed the State of the Union address. After all, that's some of the best comedy on television. Watching Bush deliver a speech is like watching a monkey try to do a math problem using chopsticks and jello... it's gonna get messy.

The comments that I've heard discussed even crack me up. Like "half the world doesn't live in democracy... Nations like Iran, Zimbabwe and Bolivia" Ummmm, last I checked, the population of those nations is a booger on the windshield. Funny that our happy Wal-Mart supplying trade partner China wasn't mentioned... I think they have a fairly significant "non-democratic" population, don't they? We aren't stupid.
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Location: Thornton, Colorado, United States

I'm a geek, plain and simple. I used to fence, I play poker when I can, and am learning to play lacrosse. I also work WAY too much.

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