Hey all, sorry for no blog during the holidays. I was pretty much just chilling out and trying to decompress. It worked. I feel great right now.
Things I did over my Winters Veil / Yule / New Years : The big one is that I have moved (kinda). I've always said that home is where the furballs are. Well, that is now my beloved girlfriends place. Since I'm on the road Monday morning through Friday night, it's just better this way. She has 2 kitties of her own and now my two kids are never alone. They have 2 friends (well, they aren't friends yet, but they are getting better) and my partner to keep them company. I know that my little Goblin loves her, and Patches things she's OK (Patches has always been a daddy's girl). I may sell the house I used to live in... but with the market sucking more than a $2 whore, its kinda a toss up.
Another thing that occured is that for new years we in the local Asatru community held a blot. I love these celebrations as they are quite celebratory and reverential at the same time. I also thing we may have done something unique. Two of our friends are ot of state and wanted to be with us. So, through the wonders of Skype (I need to start turning that back on while I'm here in Seattle... ) we had two digital seats that we passed the horn to (passing the horn for those who don't know is a form of communal drinking). It was pretty cool... makes me think that joining my role playing game like that is a definate possibility.
My partners laptop that I got her for x-mas came in as well... it's very cool, even tho it seems like I keep blowing it up when I try to install office. It does have a REAL nice graphics card.
On that note, I did play quite a bit of WoW as I didn't have much else to do while making sure our two pairs of cats didn't put each other in the hospital (Goblin can fight if pushed... the other 3 are more lovers than fighters). I have reached level 57 and should make Outland tonight or tomorrow night. I can't wait to see the new content.
Anyhow, work is going really cool. MSMessenger doesn't work here (my problem, can't get the config right and don't want to waste any more time on it.), and neither does AIM. The best way to say hi is through gmail chat. (which is so simple its almost imposible to block.)
Speaking of which... it's back to work.