Public financing in political campaigns
To the latest attacks by the McCain campaign that by not taking "public financing" was going back on a promise to take it. Two things... the first, that is a mischaratarization of what the promise was. I leave it to the reader to look up what was actually said. Second, from my perspective... 3.2 Million+ donors giving an average of just $86 per person IS PUBLIC FIANCING.
Here's what McCain is REALLY upset at. If he had opened up to public financing, given that the maximum donation is still $2300, he could NEVER draw those crowds or funds.
I'm voting friday... I encourage everyone to get out and vote too. Even if we don't agree on our candidate of choice, I think we can all agree that this is a hella important time in our country and we ALL need to be involved. The only thing that I ask is don't waste your vote. By that I mean, don't hold your nose and vote for a candidate... vote for the candidate you can see being President, not just the lesser of two evils. If you have to hold your nose to vote for McCain OR Obama... Vote for Barr, or write in Buffet. but do NOT vote for a person you don't want in office.
*complete disclosure, I have donated over $200 to the Obama campaign and am on the disclosed donors list.
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