Tuesday, December 22, 2009

This "dork" needs to get a life.

This professor needs to spend a little more time outside the academic world. 
As a self professed geek, and nerd to a lesser extent, I can say that those are not damaging words.  The majority of my friends also wear them as a badge of pride.  His study is a clear case of looking WAY to microscopically at something.  Look around our culture right now.  One of the more popular television shows (Big Bang Theory) portrays the nerd and the geek in a fairly over the top manner, but is still not insulting. 
Anyhow. I don't have much time to write, I've busy at my IT job trying to solve problems for the wireless communications industry. 
I am geek.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Party's over for me.

    I've gone back to my roots and have filed paperwork to disenroll from the Democratic party.  I still agree with them on significantly more social issues than I do with the Republican party.  That said, I cannot abide to be associated with the party that is escalating the war in Afghanistan.  The problems I have with this is that no one stepped back to ask a different question than "How many more troops do we need?"  A better question is "Do we even need these wars?"   My answer to that question is clearly no. 
    This is just the last straw in a long litany of lame straws.  I won't go into others, but listen to some Common Sense with Dan Carlin and you'll know where a lot of my thinking is influenced from at the moment.
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Location: Thornton, Colorado, United States

I'm a geek, plain and simple. I used to fence, I play poker when I can, and am learning to play lacrosse. I also work WAY too much.

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