Thursday, December 20, 2007


Tom "I hate immigrants" Tancraedo is dropping out of the race for president.  He didn't have a shot anyway and the modern world really shouldn't have a place in public service for that hate filled maroon.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I agree with Wil Wheaton... I'm going to live forever!!

Because... apparently Guinness is good for you.  Well, DUH... just taste it.  That's good enough for me.

New Solar technology

OK, check this out.  Solar that is cheaper than coal power to produce.  This is a great development.  And while I'm not saying that this will revolutionize the world tomorrow... but I am saying that this is a very good step to take.  I also have to applaud the gubernment for finally signing a meaningful energy standard. 
Oh and on the topic of gubbernment... Chris Dodd is the man. If you don't know why, you're not paying attention :)

Dang it

I WANT to hate everything about the Carlyle Group and Halliburton... but I'll be darned if they didn't get something right.   Well, at least their billionaire leaders did something right.  After purchasing an authentic copy of thre Magna Carta from Ross Perot's group (sold for the reasons that he wants to use the money for the foundations purpose... to help wounded soldiers.. also a great thing) for 21.x Million, he has said that this document belongs in the National Archive next to the Constitution and that's where he's going to put it. 
Sounds like everyone here is spot on right.  Thanks to the above people. 

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Mit Romney can kiss my

Watching Meet the Press from Sunday (I podcast it), and Mit is pulling out the same old tired argument that in order for this countries legal and political system to work we must be a nation of morals.  Now that point I do agree with... but then in the same breath he says basically that this means religion.  Which is VERY wrong. 
He was confronted by Russert on this who asked, "Then can an Athiest not have Morals", Mit immediately backpeddaled... for all of 3 seconds, then continues with the Morals = religion line.  He again pulls out the tired argument that John Adams said this so we are a religios nation.  This is NOT the case.  The primary authors of our contitution were rationalists or Deists (Jefferson in particular, plus Franklin, and others).
I am an unapologetic Heathen, I follow Loki, Odin, Thor, Freyr, Freya, Heimdall, and the entire Norse pantheon.  My Moral code is based off the teachings of Odin layed out in the Havamal.  My personality is influenced by Loki.  I am NOT forgiven, nor do I feel I need forgiveness.  The consequenses of my actions cannot be washed away just by asking for forgiveness from the divine.  My morality requires that I work hard to prevent issues, and to attone and make right if I fail this course. 
Lastly, Mit says that Freedom is a gift from the divine.  Frankly, this is not right.  Freedom is a priviledge that we as a people EARN.  My buddy is serving in the military, he will physically protect us from people who would do us harm.  People, such as myself, who stand up for the rights of others also help us to earn and maintain our freedoms.  We all play a part, but to call this a simple gft of the divine... it's just too simplistic. 
The more I think about it the more I loathe what our political system has become.  Just simple bites and no real meat.  I do like the format that MTP is using, giving each candidate a full hour to just talk.  I'd recomend looking through the archives on iTunes and check out people you are uncertain about.  But as a whole..  We are broken as an elective system and I don't know what to do about it.
I have to appologize for the rambling meandering manner of this post.  'm just letting fly this morning.  Hope I didn't offend.  Thanks for reading.


Long time no post.  Having a grand time ou here in Seattle.  The project is being run correctly from the start, and my deliverables are... drumroll.... documenting the requirements!!!! holy snarf batman... a project wth requirements... crazy.  What's the world coming to?
Anyhow, had a meeting with accenture folk yesterday and one of them was showing off their new Zune. Here are my thoughts on that product.
I don't like it at all.  1) its very light... feels like a toy 2) screen resolution on videos is VERY 5G iPod.  My touch blows the doors off this thing in video playback.  3) the "scrollwheel" is behind the times and does not respond in intuitive ways... so not only is the interface a generation BEHIND Apple, but isn't as good as that prior generation. 4) settings are very non-intuitive.  I was trying to get a video to go widescreen as a demo... not under settings, not under video.  In the end I got it to do it... but I still don't know how.  On the iPog 5G, it's under settings / video (duh) and on the touch... well... just turn the damn thing on its side.  Kinda elegant. 5) OK, it's cool that it has an FM radio... but I listen to sportstalk and NPR... which are both on the AM spectrum.  Thanks for nothing.
So, sorry MS, I appreciate working with you and for you.  But your media player is a generation and a half behind.  Until you catch up... I'm sticking with my iPod.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Important saftey tip, don't cross the streams.

My machine went to the frigging dogs when I joined it to the MS domain.  Anything I clicked on would result in a very loong delay.  Took forever to do anything. Just worked like an overblown paperweight.
I found the issue this morning. When I joined the domain, MS's required Anti-Virus software installed automagically.  Now...when I re-ghosted the Avanade image last weekend, the required Avanade AV software was installed.  Now of course, they are not the same tool. 
What was happening, was that whenever I'd do anything, AV tool A would scan real quick and then mark the memory "good", then AV tool B would scan it, and also mark it "good", which that "good" mark would be seen by AV tool A as a "change", so it scanned it again... marking it "good"... repeat until one times out or just gives up.
So, in the imortal words of Egon Spengler... "don't cross the streams". 

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Things at new project

I'm very excited about this new gig.  The tools and vision of what we're doing is amazing. 
Unfortunately, I don't have my MS alias yet, so the only way I have to access the internet is via a Bluetooth tether to my phone.  This is slow at best.

Things I've had to do :
    Switch to Office 2007 (pretty well done tool really)
    Download and Install Team Foundation Suite.  (used it before, but due to the re-ghost of the laptop didn't have it)

Having a corp apartment is killer.  I'm not even traveling home with my suitcase. Next week I'll bring my huge bag fully packed with all my business clothes and some other things.  Then just toss the bag into my closet.  Makes life easy.

So, More later... gotta get back to some study.

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Location: Thornton, Colorado, United States

I'm a geek, plain and simple. I used to fence, I play poker when I can, and am learning to play lacrosse. I also work WAY too much.

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