Friday, March 30, 2007

What a shitty game.

I cannot believe how piss poor the mammoth played tonight. I don't even want to talk about it.

Someone kill me.

The data load process that has been chosen to be used here at my gig has been repeatedly described as "one time only"...
Naturally, i'm on the fourth time i've had to run it. The "process" involves no tuning or automation and seems to take between 4 and 6 hours.
But now, i'm on a slow data connection... So my estimate for this run is 15 hours. Needing constant supervision. So please shoot me, or tie me down and fucking me hard... Cause I need it!


Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A Few small things

        Well, BSG is officiallyoff the clock, Starbuck is back and the season finale had some FANTASTIC scenes and two GREAT speeches.  The first was from LeeApollo Adama, in which he gave a great speech on the nature of forgiveness and who is deserving and why.  The second was given by Saul Tigh, on the nature of humanity and being who you WANT to be rather than what the world TELLS you you are.  If you have 2 bucks and havent seen it, Id highly recommend a D/L from iTunes.  I still thing Heroes is a better show but now only marginally. 

        The second thing is, Im stuck in California all weekend and all next week.  YAY.  At least this means Ive got a guaranteed Thursday Friday off to go to the last Mammoth game.  I traded that being untouchable for the weekend now.  So its a fair trade I suppose.


Friday, March 23, 2007

More on the 300

So it continues

AAARRRRGGHHH, How could the story be adeliberate distortion when, as my good friend mentioned before, it was written from a 5 year olds inspiration of  memories of a movie about Thermopolaye (forgive my spelling, I dont feel like looking it up.).  Please stop.  Im sure that Americans are not protraid very well in Islamic news, literature, cinema, TV... etc.  And you know what, I dont care.  It doesnt influence or change my life one darned bit.  So everyone chill and enjoy a good film, or dont, not everyone likes everything sheeze.


Thursday, March 22, 2007

3 episodes and counting

After watching the latest episode of Battlestar Gallactica, they are still not off the timer Ive but them on.

Warning, SPOILERS!!!!

Two episodes ago they killed the character of Starbuck.  That may be the actual jumping of the shark for the series.  Imagine the original series without Starbuck.  It just isnt the same.  And neither is this.  I put them on a 5 episode timer at the end of last season when they scrolled the words One year later,  But with a run of VERY good episodes I took them off and continued watching.   Now however, Im not as optimistic as there is no sign of turn around.  The only possible thing that I felt could redeem the series is the trial of Baltar.  Sadly, this storyline was promised for 2 weeks, and then finally started with this latest episode and it now feels rushed.  When you combine this with the stinker of an episode before Starbucks death dealing with an airlock and Im not confident in this series anymore. 

Heroes has certainly taken the crown of best show on television in my book.  And it looks like itll take a miracle for BSG to take back the crown.  Perhaps Hiro could go back in time and fix it. Speaking of that, I saw a lady wearing a shirt in a mall yesterday saying proudly that I need a Hiro!  How cool is that.


Weasel 1, V 1

Well, that sucked. Overslept this morning. i'll have to defeat the weasel this evening before dinner!


to anyone thinking of outsourcing to the far east

Just be cognizant that you are going to be spending a HUGE amount of your time translating English to english after midnight I can imagine this is difficult under the best of circumstances.  But when it occurs after your own full day of work and you see that clock ticking away hours you could be sleeping .  Its a frustrating endeavor to say the least.


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

resisted the pull

for those of you who were fans of the Penn radio show will know what
the "pull of the weasel" is. I am happy to say I resisted it this time

my bed was warm and comfy, but I fought through it and got up early
and did :30 on the evil eliptical. i'm trying to get in better shape
for my weekend lacrosse games. so i'm giving myself a pat on the back.
yay me.


With bloody hands, I say good-bye.
- Frank Miller

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Warning, new technology in use

Hi dear readers...
I have a new phone. I have gotten a t-Mobile Dash, which truly kicks ass. I have all but constant connectivity to any form of communication that I use. So I've enabled my e-mail posting to my blog and will be updating this whenever my little brain feels the urge.
Consider yourself forwarned that my blog may just become a lot more inane due to the lack of filtering. So if you like stream of conciousness type stuff, you'll like this change. Otherwise... <shrug>


Monday, March 19, 2007

Cool numeric idosyncracy.

The Mammoth won in OT on Sat night. But someone just posted on the boards that the stars alligned for that game winning goal.

Dan Carey (#44) scored it on an assist from Josh Sim (#4) at 4:44 of OT. How's that for one of those strange alignments. Those things are so cool..


Thursday, March 15, 2007

300 vs 7 Million

A friend of mine sent me the following e-mail...

People are waay too easily offended.,8599,1598886,00.html?cnn=yes

the spartans weren't wearing that much either... funny that wasn't mentioned. besides, this is a movie, about a comic book about a 5 year old's interpretation of another movie based on a historical event. But I guess not a whole lot of people know that. [Frank Miller was 5 (I think) when he saw the movie 300 spartans and was inspired by that].

also, with an open mind, you could take it the other way around... the persian empire could represent the how the US right now is spread globally (from a military battlefront point of view) and how there are small pockets in the world that are trying to stand up to that (e.g., Iran and North Korea). "

How right my friend is. We humans are funny creatures in that we are always assuming that an author is talking TO and ABOUT us. This just isn't the case here. We in the office here in California (BTW, I'm out here 5 days a week again... YAY:( ) saw this article yesterday and got a great chuckle about it. Sometimes a good story is just a good story. This one isn't even that historically accurate, but DAMN is it ever a FINE movie.


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Happy Birthday Mommy

Happy Birthday Mom... I've been trying to reach you since Sat to wish you a happy B-day in person, but your phone has been busy for several days straight. So I'm using my blog to wish you a happy birthday. Call me if you get the time.


Friday, March 09, 2007

Serenity / Firefly

Quizes like this are fun. Escpecially when I like the results like this :)
Your results:
You are Malcolm Reynolds (Captain)

Malcolm Reynolds (Captain)

Inara Serra (Companion)
Zoe Washburne (Second-in-command)
River (Stowaway)
Derrial Book (Shepherd)
Dr. Simon Tam (Ship Medic)
Wash (Ship Pilot)
Kaylee Frye (Ship Mechanic)
Jayne Cobb (Mercenary)
A Reaver (Cannibal)
Honest and a defender of the innocent.
You sometimes make mistakes in judgment
but you are generally good and
would protect your crew from harm.

Click here to take the Serenity Personality Quiz

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Dumbest idea in a while

I just found out that someones company is in crunch mode, like REALLY long hours and very hectic work... and THAT is when management decided to take everyone go carting. This is NOT a bright idea. Perhaps AFTER release that's a great idea, but not the day before release. *sigh*

My Photo
Location: Thornton, Colorado, United States

I'm a geek, plain and simple. I used to fence, I play poker when I can, and am learning to play lacrosse. I also work WAY too much.

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