Saturday, December 30, 2006


It's the season opener today for the Colorado Mammoth.
- Top hat , Check
- Skeleton , Check
- Facepaint , Check
- Mohawk :) - Check

It's 7 hours to game time!!! GO MAMMOTH.

Note : This game will be on national television on Versus tonight. Check local listings... this is going to be fun.


Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Merry Christmas #347, No Talking

WOW. I've been detached from the world for a little while due to snow and the holiday season. However, when I go to catch up on my readings, I come across this link from Fox News.

I'm dumbfounded. If the right truly thinks this about America... we've already lost the "war on terror" and America NO LONGER EXISTS.


Monday, December 25, 2006

My holiday celebration and idea

Hello all my readers. I am going to use my blog for something a little different over the next week and a half. I'll still be posting random thoughts and Mammoth ites (5 days left!!) But to close out the year / holiday season, I wanted to put forth some thoughts on Heathenry.

Namely, the ethics and values of of the scandinavian belief system that I follow.

The majority of Nothern belief and thought from a historical perspective is written down in the scandanavian eddas. I will be quoting and using the Poetic Edda as translated by Lee M. Hollander with additional reference material from Krasskova's "Exploring the Northern Tradition"

My intention over the next 10 days is to discuss in sequence the nine noble virtues of northern belief and what they mean to me specifically. The virtues are taken from the Havamal, a long Eddic poem that are the sayings of Odin. While they are not specifically laid out in the Havamal, the concepts behind them are very much discussed. Krassakova has compiled a list of them that is quite consise and distilled, so I'm using that as a base for my writings and examinations.

The Virtues are Courage, Discipline, Fidelity, Honour, Hospitality, Industriousness, Perserverence, Self-Reliance, Truth.

Each day I will be writing about one virtue, using that as a medtative focus and treatise on how to encourage that virtue in my own life. I welcome comments as always, but this is more of a journal of my own thoughts and path, so I doubt there will be a lot of back and forth or contentious disagreement that have made my writings so interesting in the past.

So, on that note... tomorrow : Courage.


Saturday, December 23, 2006

run by blogging

Random quick fire thoughts

- Mammoth Season is one week away... WOOT
- I weighed in at 194.4 yesterday, down from 201 near the begining of Dec. sweeet
- Looking forward to a holiday celebration tonight... it'll be nice.
- Bought a friend a hoodie... feel silly now because the one I got is cut a little big rather than the smaller cuts I'm used to... she could probably live in the one I got. she should exchange it at the earliest convenience... no hard feelings intended.

out of time.


Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Funny thought from Scientific American

Yes, Siblings can cause brain tumors!!! OK, maybe not cause, but there is a statistical link, which is just freaky wierd.

On another note... as some of you long time readers of my blog know. I take afternoon naps. I have a lovely folding recliner that I set up in a dark office and sleep for my lunch hour. I find that it gives me more energy and focus in the later half of the day.

However, yesterday, I go back into my nap office and find... NO CHAIR! That's right, they cleared out the furniture from the offices (technically, we don't lease those offices) and the movers TOOK MY FOLDING CHAIR!! I was pissed for a few minutes (mainly because I wanted my nap), but after a while I realized it was my own fault for leaving it in an area where it wasn't in "our" offices. I should have been folding it up every day and storing it in my cube.

So on my way to a lovely holiday dinner with friends last night, I stopped and upped the nap ante. I bought a cot. it folds quite compactly, so I WILL store it in my cube from now on. I could use the good rest as I pulled a muscle in my neck Sat morning and it's been hurting for 4 days (I HATE those things... take forever to heal.)

Anyhow, gotta blaze. Tiger Balm and Ibu to the rescue :)


Monday, December 18, 2006

Mammoth downed 16-9 in pre-season play

Looks like AZ has found themselves a goaltender in Mike Attwood. He's a 3rd year player and a 1st year starter this year with the Sting. He put in a stellar performance allowing only 1 goal in 23 minutes! That's fantastic.

Dan Carey bagged 3 goals for the Mammoth, so he continues to grow into his role as an integral part of the Colorado offence. Way to go kid. See you in LESS THAN TWO WEEKS!!!

On another note, "NBC news specials" released a free episode on iTunes on the genocide in Darfur. It's free and does a good job of talking about and showing the human face on this ongoing tragedy, I'd recommend watching it. Humans are so keen on saying "never again", but not so good at living it. I DO absolutely include myself in this, it's human nature. I urge people to write their congresmen to put pressure on Sudan to knock this shit off.


Friday, December 15, 2006

Television update.

I, as I have mentioned in previous posts, have gotten rid of my televisions. However, I do still own one. I keep it in the guest bedroom. That is changing.

I have been on a restricted calorie diet for about a week now in an attempt to loose weight and as part of that attempt, have also not missed a day of planned exersize yet. The bike is no longer painful and the weights are starting to cause that feeling of used but not overused feeling that I like to hit. I started this at 201.5 and weighed in this morning at 198.0 even.

So, as a reward to myself... I moved the TV into the workout room. But I'm forcing a caveat upon myself. I MUST cycle during the commercials of any program I watch (I'm going to exclude halftimes of sporting events, cause that would kill me). Since I can also use the TV as a speaker for the iPod, this is a good thing indeed.

As for a report and the reason for the diet... I'm going to San Diego in Jan and want to minimize the little gut I've managed to develop (I want to show off the tat's rather than the budda belly at the pool :) ). I know I'm in fair shape as is, but I can improve, hence the attempt. I'm using a program for my Pocket PC that I've set to a rather aggressive weight loss target. And it is working, in that I'm now able to cycle with moderate resistance for 15 minutes without wanting to barf. Doc said I should be doing that anyhow. Once I hit the meeting in San Diego, I'll loosten up the weight loss target to a more reasonable level allowing me a lot less restriction. I would like to get to 185 (or 190 with a sub 20 Body Fat %), but I'd rather try and loose a lb a week rather than the 10 lbs in 4 I'm doing now. It's a lot more reasonable.

Anyhow, I'm babbling. I should go back to work.


LAX getting press

Yup. The Desert News is covering the scrimmage between the Mammoth and the Sting that's being played in Utah tomorrow. Any press is good press, but this is a complimentary and well written article.

15 days and counting.

Oh, and I won one of the Outlaws banners that have been hanging all over Denver last summer :) It's as tall as I am, it'll be a GREAT tailgaiting compliment next season.


Thursday, December 14, 2006

Ladies and Gentlemen... Your 2007 Colorado Mammoth

The list is here

12 Gary Bining
47 Jason Bloom
37 Andrew Burkholder
44 Dan Carey
8 Nick Carlson
48 Rich Catton
2 Pat Coyle
28 Tom Ethington
18 Nenad Gajic
11 John Gallant
5 Jamie Hanford
6 Brian Langtry
3 Mike Law
66 Matt Leveque
30 Chris Levis
89 Cam Monroe
38 Gee Nash
20 Kevin Olson
19 Ben Prepchuk
9 Gavin Prout
85 Jamie Shewchuk
4 Josh Sims
77 Dave Stilley

It's a good roster. Jay will be missed as he recovers from his concussion this year. But it's a good group of guys. I look forward to seeing Bining and Gajic show what they can do.


Speaking out once again on the Death Penalty

This article is about Angel Diaz, who took 34 minutes to die by lethal injection... while his family watched. We in the US are not barbarians. Killing as punishment is abhorent and nothing more than revenge. I'm not saying that criminals are to lead cushy lives and should be pampered... but to kill in cold blood in response to a killing does nothing more than lower us as a society and a people.

This man is also Puerto Riccan, a nation which outlawed capitol punishment in 1929. I will admit that it is not our duty to enforce their laws. But it does humor me that Puerto Rico is significantly more enlightened than we are as a nation. Along with the majority of the civilized world. Granted, I think the hard line Islamic nations would find our behaviour just about perfect. :( We MUST grow beyond this.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Fun class this morning

Went down to the tech center this morning for a half day seminar on the soon to be released (that reminds me, I need to run upstairs and set the MSDN to Download this) Visual Studio for Data Profesionals. Overall, looks promising. Will probably have enough features to make it truly useful about 2 more versions down the road. But at least an attempt is being made to pull database management into the Development architecture.

My broadswords will be here tomorrow... I'm VERY happy about that. Nothing like your first practice with your own blade :)

Oh, and Wil Wheaton Rocks. 'nough said.


Monday, December 11, 2006

Good Pain and Bad Pain

First, the good pain. I started practicing with the Fjellborg Vikings this weekend. That kicked ASS. My shield arm is tired and both my forearms hurt becuase of the strain of the heavier blade / defensive item. But it was such fun that I've already invested in two swords and an axe.

Also in the good pain category, My workout has been working nicely. However, as I've upped to 3 rounds on the heavy bag, my knuckles tore open (I use half gloves). So my bag has been annointed with my blood. yay. When I start this weeks regiment on Wendsday I'm going to have to tape my fingers before working the bag :)

Lastly in the good pain category. Spoke with my friend in Washington for the first time in at least a month. I miss her. It's a minor pang of pain that I will gladly take. She left a message on Sat that sounded WAY down. Makes me worry about her. I love her dearly as a friend and just want her to be happy. She's got something special to offer this world... I just hope she see's it. C'est la vie.

On to Bad Pain. I just titled my car. I was esitmating around $400 to $500... it game in at $700. Sweet baby monkeys that's a good amount of money in taxes. I guess my pantry will remain right where it's at for a while. If Avanade had paid the delivery bonus on time (there was a delay due to a bookkeeping glich) I'd be in better shape. I'm not mad at it for being late, but the extra $$$ sure would be nice right about now.

Anyhow, 19 days till the Mammoth season opener. I need to start screaming for 5 to 15 minutes a day to get into shape. My neighbors are going to hate me. -lol.


Friday, December 08, 2006

A Random sports thought

So, I read this Denver Post article this. I'm not a huge basketball fan, but I will listen to a Nuggets game if there's nothing else on. And I watched the game while out at trivia on Wendsday (we won, $50 toward dinner next week, yeah!).

Now when reading the article (about a thought of a trade for AI to help Carmelo Anthony), the quote that caught my eye was "Melo is cool with everything except losing. He needs help." That got me to thinking, isn't that the EXACT attitude a true professional athlete SHOULD take. As a competetive person, I love to win. More importantly, I HATE to lose. And I'm a total amatur, I can only imagine what goes through the mind of a pro athlete.

I have no cares about how the nugs do or what they do. But I know that every single player on the Mammoth HATES to lose. And they won a championship. Frankly, I think that shows a good attitude.

I'm not saying win at all costs obviously, but I am saying to HATE losing so that when you leave the field, there isn't anything left.



Wednesday, December 06, 2006

From a good friend

Mammoth Fever. Only prescription... MORE COWBELL!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Gurk. Mfriggle blurpink

So excited for the gorramn season to start that I can barely type (that and I sprained my right wrist today, so I'm typing mostly left handed.)

First, the countdown clock is up on and pre-season scores are starting to come in. Also, the Shamrox released their uni's to public. Gotta say, not bad... no Mammoth uniforms (I'm biased... the mammoth logo and unis are the tops in the league) , but they could have done a LOT worse.


Monday, December 04, 2006

Volume of Arenas.

60 second science today podcasted about a study on sports arenas during the stanley cup. Now, what they found is that the average sound over the 3 games they examined was just over 100 decibels. Workplace average maximum is supposed to be 85db. Now, since db's are logrithmic, at a hockey game you get the same noise exposure in 6 minutes as you would get in 8 HOURS at the loudest average workplace.

Since I have been to both stanley cup finals games (2001 game 1, a butwhuppin BY the Avs) and many many Mammoth games, I can subjectively tell you that an indoor LAX game in Denver pulls about the same if not more volume than a playoff hockey game.

I have NEVER heard anything like the crowd in playoff LAX in Denver. The sound was a living entity.

Just something to think about. Scientific American actually recommends cheap earplugs to bring the sound back down to reasonable levels. They also said that it's easier to hear conversations around you if you are wearing them. I think this is a fantastic idea, that I will arrogantly ignore. But I would recommend it for kids at the games. Don't want to hurt developing ears. :)


*Edit : The more I read stuff like this, the more I REALLY am getting geeked up for the season opener. The Mammoth are going to be VERY hard to stop if they keep up that balance.

Friday, December 01, 2006

For open debate.

Below are two snippets from two different articles. They deal with Keith Ellisons intent so take his congressional oaths on the Quran. I have linked the full articles for your convenience.

Prager argues that to allow Ellison to swear upon the Quran would be an affront to the American republic:
"He should not be allowed to do so -- not because of any American hostility to the Koran, but because the act undermines American civilization.

First, it is an act of hubris that perfectly exemplifies multiculturalist activism -- my culture trumps America's culture. What Ellison and his Muslim and leftist supporters are saying is that it is of no consequence what America holds as its holiest book; all that matters is what any individual holds to be his holiest book.

Forgive me, but America should not give a hoot what Keith Ellison's favorite book is. Insofar as a member of Congress taking an oath to serve America and uphold its values is concerned, America is interested in only one book, the Bible. If you are incapable of taking an oath on that book, don't serve in Congress. In your personal life, we will fight for your right to prefer any other book. We will even fight for your right to publish cartoons mocking our Bible. But, Mr. Ellison, America, not you, decides on what book its public servants take their oath. "

Volokh counters, however:
" This argument both mistakes the purpose of the oath, and misunderstands the Constitution. In fact, it calls for the violation of some of the Constitution’s multiculturalist provisions.

To begin with, the oath is a religious ritual, both in its origins and its use by the devout today. The oath invokes God as a witness to one’s promise, as a means of making the promise more weighty on the oathtaker’s conscience.

This is why, for instance, the Federal Rules of Evidence, dealing with the related subject of the courtroom oath, state, “Before testifying, every witness shall be required to declare that the witness will testify truthfully, by oath or affirmation administered in a form calculated to awaken the witness’ conscience and impress the witness’ mind with the duty to do so.” If you want the oath to be maximally effective, then it is indeed entirely true that “all that matters is what any individual holds to be his holiest book.” That book is the one that will most impress the oathtaker’s mind with the duty to comply with the oath. "

Now, I've read a lot of Praegers stuff a lot lately (thanks to MT's blog) and he is off base on almost everything he writes, in my nowhere near humble opinion. He is equally off base here. To ask me to swear on a bible would be equally akin to me asking you to consecrate your home with Mjolnir. The bible holds absolutely no reverence or importance to me. Just as I would not expect you to hold Mjolnir in any form of reverence or holiness if you were a christian. As I have said many many times before, faith is personal. You cannot force anyone to believe or not believe the way you do. I would love to hear other opinions on this subject.

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Location: Thornton, Colorado, United States

I'm a geek, plain and simple. I used to fence, I play poker when I can, and am learning to play lacrosse. I also work WAY too much.

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